JOIN The Movement
Girl Up is a girl-centered leadership development initiative, focusing on equity for girls and women in spaces where they are unheard or underrepresented. We operate a global network of regional affiliates impacting 345,000 girls and youth leaders in 155 countries and all 50 U.S. states, developing transformative leaders who advance gender justice worldwide.
Our Values
Our core values include: Youth-Centered, Passionate Action, Global Community, and Accountability.
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Our People
Our passionate team is working to help girls develop their skills and lead
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Our Partners
Our network of partners makes it possible for Girl Up’s programming to impact thousands globally
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Our LeadHERship Circle
Our individual supporters all over the world help advance Girl Up’s mission and vision.
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how we started
In 2010, Girl Up was founded by the United Nations Foundation (UNF) as the first-of-its-kind initiative dedicated to supporting adolescent girls’ education, health, and safety. Since then, we’ve grown to become a global movement that engages, trains, and mobilizes girls and young people of all identities to be leaders.
We work in close partnership with:

United Nations Foundation
UNF is a strategic partner of the United Nations, bringing together the ideas, people, and resources it needs to drive global progress and tackle urgent problems. Girl Up is an active part of the UNF, and we are positively influenced by their work.

United Nations
An intergovernmental organization committed to maintaining international peace and security, developing friendly relations among nations, and promoting social progress, better living standards, and human rights. Girl Up, like UNF, is a strategic ally of the UN. We support youth advocacy in UN processes, support action by youth activists to advance the SDGs, and engage with UN agencies at the country, regional and global levels