Estella T. Turay is partnering with Girl Up in Washington, D.C. through the U.S. Department of State’s Community Solutions Program. Estella, an emerging global leader in girls empowerment, is working with American counterparts at the United Nations Foundation collaborating on projects that will help strengthen communities and advance gender justice across the globe.
Estella is supporting a global mentorship program; partnering women leaders with young professionals; as well as bolstering support for Girl Up’s recently launched alum program, bringing leadership opportunities to Girl Up program alumni. In addition, she will be supporting Girl Up’s global Teen Advisor program, brainstorming ways to engage more girls globally.
Girl Up is thrilled to be working with Estella, and to gain her global perspective on young women’s advancement.
Estella joins Girl Up from a rich history in her home country of supporting community impact projects and supporting girls advancement. She currently works in her home country as a Montserrado County Coordinator for the National Young Women Political Council of Liberia and has experience empowering women and girls to participate in political leadership and democratic processes through steering different empowerment initiatives for grassroots women and girls.
Since 2010, the Community Solutions Program (CSP) has provided over 830 community leaders, between the ages of 25 and 38, from over 100 countries with an intensive professional development experience in the United States. Focusing on complex economic, environmental, social, and political issues, CSP fellows complete an intensive U.S.-based practicum, undertake rigorous leadership coursework, build new networks, and implement community project in their home country, using their newly acquired leadership and technical skills. CSP fellows have contributed over 350,000 hours supporting 129 U.S. communities across 41 states and Washington, D.C. CSP community projects have impacted over 600,000 beneficiaries around the world.
The Community Solutions Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by IREX.
For press inquiries please contact:
Jessica Giusti, Director of Communications and Digital Media, Girl Up: JGIUSTI@girlup.org
Les Miles, Community Solutions Program Manager, IREX: lmiles@irex.org
Learn more about the Community Solutions Program on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or the CSP website.