Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
Together, #GirlHeros trailblazed a path for all current and future youth leaders in the gender justice space throughout the month of October.
International Day for the Girl (IDG) was established in 2011, after the United Nations General Assembly declared October 11 would address the challenges of gender inequality across the world – gender-based violence, girl’s education, period poverty, and more.
We’re highlighting some of our favorite moments from our Girl Up #GirlHeroes around the world.

Girl Up Africa
Nearly 400 girls attended a Girl Up Zimbabwe event in Gweru aimed at improving and providing resources for all aspects of girl’s wellbeing – physical, emotional, social, and spiritual. Participants came out of the event feeling bold and had more knowledge on menstrual hygiene and gender-based violence.
Girl Up India
Girl Up India Leadership Summit
Girl Up India hosted its Regional Leadership Summit designed to promote leadership skills in young girls and women to fight for what they believe in. In addition to connecting to and learning from other youth advocates, attendees heard from Dia Mirza, Harnaaz Sandhu, Sanjana Sanghi, Shompi Sharp, Leeza Mangaldas, Rajshri Deshpande and more.

You and I, we believe in change. And that’s why we’re here today.
Girl Up Brasil hosted its annual #SuperMeninas event which invites girls and young women from the region to learn, network, and empower each other. Three distinct themes were explored this year: STEM, mental health, and women in politics. Attendees heard from Erika Hilton, Marina Helou, Dandara Pagu, Mariana Cacciacarro, Lorrane Olivlet, ‘Nadja Brandão, and more inspiring changemakers during the event.

Girl Up México toured Museo del Futuro with youth leaders during an unforgettable evening rooted in creativity & gender justice. After the museum tour, they hosted an educational and networking event for youth activists to gain leadership skills, learn about careers in STEAM, and connecting with members of the Girl Up community.
Girl Up UK
Girl Up UK hosted a 90s party in collaboration with Female Narrative. The London event allowed Girl Up UK Leaders to dress in their best – 90s style of course – and take nostalgia quizzes all while Leaders Zayna and Bethel shared the importance of International Day of the Girl and gender justice advocacy.

To support and build leadership skills for girls to raise their voices around the world, Girl Up UK hosted its Regional Leadership Summit. Participants had the opportunity to hear from leaders in the sports, climate, and storytelling spaces to discover how to connect these issues to their own gender justice work.
Girl Up USA
“Girls Leading Change” White House Event:
Ten Girl Up DMV Coalition Leaders were invited to the White House’s first “Girls Leading Change” celebration in honor of IDG where they discussed climate justice, advocating for policy changes, and supporting other women and girls. To encourage the young women in attendance, Dr. Biden said “Your boldness is beautiful. You belong in all places of power.”
Girl Up Wooster, a Club in Connecticut, created a Gender Equality Pledge for students to sign, reading: “I believe that everyone is born free and equal. I will take action against gender bias, discrimination, and violence to bring the benefits of equality to us all.” Students of all genders signed the pledge, showing the importance of community in the fight for gender justice.

“Girls Speak Out” United Nations Event:
Girl Up USA Leader Denia was invited to the United Nations’ 10th annual Day of the Girl Summit where she spoke about the importance of girl’s leadership, specifically advocating for women and girls of color.
I spoke on behalf of the cries of girls who’ve been silenced: of the Black girls who’ve been told that they are “unfit” for leadership and girls denied access to these rooms. I firmly believe that our presence is our power— as we show up, we will dismantle the chains that have historically kept us in bondage.
Denia, girl up usa leader
Global Social Media Activism
Finally, #GirlHeroes from different regions of the world shared why women’s and girl’s empowerment is so important:
- Girl Up Chile Leaders shared what they would like to tell their younger selves.
- Girl Up Brasil Leaders spoke about São Paulo writing IDG into the official calendar this year and what it means to be a girl.
- Girl Up Argentina partnered with UNICEF Argentina to ask youth leaders what a world with equal opportunities for girls would look like.
- Girl Up Kenya Leader Mackrine shared her leadership development through Girl Up and encouraged girls to pursue their dreams.
This year, Girl Up Leaders stepped up together to show the true power of youth advocacy. You can still #TrailblazeTogether today and everyday by joining a Girl Up Club or starting your own. Let’s fight for gender justice – together, changemakers.
Learn more on how you can get involved with our #TrailblazeTogether campaign here!