This month, Girl Up In-Country Consultant Yunmei spoke with three new Girl Up Clubs forming in China. Here is what those Clubs had to say:
Joining Girl Up is another light in Beaver club’s life. It has become the driving force for our Beavers to move forward towards gender equality. We know we are not alone; the Girl Up community allows us to experience and feel supported by each other. It’s a small world where there are great and cohesive organizations that are concerned about gender issues. I believe, Beaver’s Girl Up club will become an important organization on campus.
—Beaver Girl Up Club
It’s a great honor to witness UNF Girl Up come into China. This opportunity provides Chinese students with a chance to link to the worldwide female-related associations.
Our newly established club, Girl Up SHU, with the help of our members and teachers, can be the driving force in our community towards gender equality.
“Because of Girl Up, I have had an opportunity to rethink what gender equality really means to us and I know what individuals can do to help the girls worldwide”, says Nat Girl Up SHU’s HR manager. The head of the publicity department says, “I’ve learned that as a woman you have nothing to be afraid of. Do the things that you like.”
Additionally, our PR officer thinks Girl Up provided her a platform to make her voice heard; she can really put the idea of protecting women into action. I believe that Girl Up SHU will be a part of the global campaign for gender equality, working to advance the full realization of women’s rights.
—Girl Up SHU
It was a great time meeting with Yunmei, Girl Up East Asia representative. We are honored to be a part of Girl Up. Girl Up allows us to see that gender clubs in China’s universities are not alone in working towards gender equality, anti-discrimination, and anti-harassment. We also learned from clubs all over the world. From experience sharing, ideas brainstorm to club grant, Girl Up has offered tremendous support and help for our club. I believe together we are stronger, and our club will make an impact in working towards gender equality.
—ECUPL Girl Up

Gender inequality, one of the most important issues in the 21st century, requires devotion from young people to work towards changing it. For a long time, I have hoped to contribute my own passion, but could never get rid of a sense of loss even after I built my own team fighting for gender equality. Girl Up came to our area inviting us to be part of that change.
Thanks to Girl Up, we are supported by such a powerful group of women. This means a lot to us since this is the first time that we realized we are a part of a global community with so many people holding hands and heading in the same direction. It is our honor to become a Girl Up Club in China and we feel thrilled to contribute to the cause. We are looking forward to the future events and… everything!
—Girl Up in SUFE
加入Girl Up,对于海狸社而言就像另一种光照进生命中。更重要的是,这束光已成为我们小海狸们前进的动力。 此外,这个集体让我们体验越来越多、感受越来越多。 通过Girl Up,我们知道我们并不孤单:这小小世界有一个关心性别议题,很棒、很有凝聚力的集体。海狸社将尽可能快地变成一道光,照亮周围。
——Beaver Girl Up Club
很高兴看到联合国基金会Girl Up项目深入中国,为中国学生提供了一个与世界各地女性相关协会联系的宝贵机会。上海大学社群——Girl Up SHU在会员和教师的帮助下已经成功成立,这对我们大家来说都是一股推动力。那么,在加入Girl Up后,我们的想法发生了怎样的改变呢?我的部员们给出了不同的答案:
此外,我们的公关官员认为,Girl Up给了她一个平台,让她的声音被大家听到,使她真的可以把保护女孩的想法付诸行动。
我相信,Girl Up SHU会成为全球两性平等倡导力量的一部分,为女性权利的充分实现而努力。
——Girl Up SHU
与Girl Up东亚区代表Yunmei姐姐的会面非常亲切,也很荣幸地成为Girl Up的注册社团之一。Girl Up让我们看到,中国高校的性别社团在性别平等、反歧视、反骚扰等领域并不是形单影只的,我们也能得到许多来自世界各地的帮助。无论是经验的分享,创意的共鸣,到资金的支持,都给予我们社团莫大的帮助以及鼓励。我也相信我们能一起,在“Girl Up”这条路上越走越远。
——ECUPL Gender Studies
性别不平等是21世纪最为严峻的社会问题之一,需要每一个大学生的努力付出。这么久以来,我都渴望着能够贡献我的力量,却时刻感受着一种无力感以及迷茫,就算成功地组建了自己为性别平等目标奋斗的团队。直到Girl Up来到中国,邀请我们参与变革的一部分,我们才第一次地感受到了被支持的力量,并第一次拥有了社群庞大的资源。更重要的是,我们第一次清晰地感受到,身边原来有那么多目标相同的人,手牵着手互相鼓励着向共同的目标迈进。能够加入Girl Up是我们的荣幸,我们也为之后能在其资源支持下更好地投入性别平等事业而激动,非常期待未来的发展!
——Gender in SUFE