Meaning Glorious Females, two years ago the feminist newsletter “Les Glorieuses” launched a movement to work towards wage equality. On the cover of that newsletter was #6Novembre15h35, meaning November 6th, 3:35 pm. Since that cover, women have won 3 days of equal pay. At this rate, we will reach equality in 2168, and that is not soon enough.
What is the #6Novembre15h35 movement?
This movement works to fight wage discrimination. Because of the differences in wages between women and men, from November 6, 2018, at 3:35 pm French women work for free. Rebecca Amsellem, the founder of “Les Glorieuses”, and the mind behind the movement, ask all the women to leave work at 3:35 pm on November 6th.
In terms of equal pay, three figures must be taken into account:
First, women are doing for equal work for unequal pay. Taking age into account, contract, time, industry, and firm size, the pay gap between women and men is 9%. It is a pure discrimination.
According to Eurostat, if we calculate the wage gap based on the average hourly pay, the wage gap is 15.2%. A gap of 15.2% equates to French women working for free for an average of 40 days a year.
According to a 2015 INSEE survey, women’s wages are 23.7% lower than men’s. French women earn on average 17,740 EUR/annum, while men receive on average of 23,260 EUR/annum. In other words, a man earns, 31.1% more than a woman.
Although more women work part-time, this difference is mainly due to a difference in hourly wages (16.7%). The gender division between occupations partially explains the hourly wage gap. Women tend to occupy positions that are considered less skilled and are therefore less paid.
This does not explain everything. The higher the wages, the greater the differences. For example, while female executives earn an average of 20% less than their male counterpart, this difference is “only” 9% for regular employees. Similarly, the top 1% of women in France earn about 35% less than the top 1% of men.
How can you help close the wage gap?
November is the Advocacy Month for Girl Up! You can sign the Women’s Equal Pay petition here, organize an awareness campaign in your school about pay discrimination, and fight for your own equal pay.
En Francçais
Par Mailys Ardit, l’en-pays consultant en France
Le mouvement lancé par la newsletter féministe Les Glorieuses il y a 2 ans (les mouvements #7Novembre16h34 et #3Novembre11h44) sur l’égalité des salaires, remets le couvert en 2018 avec le #6Novembre15h35. En un an nous avons gagné 3 jours d’égalité salariale, à ce rythme là nous atteindrons l’égalité en 2168.
Qu’est ce que le mouvement #6Novembre15h35 ?
Le mouvement #6Novembre15h35 appelle à lutter contre les discriminations salariales. En effet, à cause des différences de salaires entres les femmes et les hommes, à partir du 6 Novembre 2018 à 15h35 les femmes françaises travaillent gratuitement. Rebecca Amsellem, la fondatrice des Glorieuses, et l’incitatrice du mouvement, appellent toutes les femmes a quitter leur travail à 15h35 le 6 Novembre.
En matière d’égalité des salaires, il faut retenir 3 chiffres:
D’abord à travail égal, salaire non égal.
A travers égal, en prenant en compte ls tranches d’âge, le contrat, le temps, le secteur d’activité et la taille de l’entreprise, l’écart de salaire entre les femmes et les hommes est de 9%. Il s’agit d’une discrimination pure.
La différence salariale atteint les 15,2% selon Eurostat. L’écart se fonde sur une comparaison de la moyenne horaire brute entre les employées et les employés. Cette méthodologie permet de rendre compte des différences au niveau européen. Une différence de salaire de 15,2%, cela signifie qu’une française travaille gratuitement environ 40 jours par an.
Mailys Ardit was the France In-Country Consultant for Girl Up in 2018