LeadHER Voices

Girl Up USA LeadHER Voices

LeadHER Voices aims to amplify our mission of educating and empowering girls across the United States by providing a platform for youth to share their passions and explore topics they care about.

Girl Up USA’s introduction of youth-led long-form content, through LeadHER Voices, aims to amplify our mission of educating and empowering girls across the United States. By providing a platform for youth to share their passions and explore topics they care about, we create opportunities for them to educate others while deepening their understanding. This initiative will expand our reach, foster informed and meaningful discussions, and strengthen alignment with Girl Up’s values and goals.

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Read Our Blogs

  1. A Seat at the Decision-Making Table

    Why Women’s Political Representation Matters and How We Can Support Female Politicians

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  2. Unveiling the Stars

    Cecilia Payne’s Cosmic Legacy and the Fight for Women in Science

    Lire la suite

Listen to our podcasts

Coming Soon…

Meet our leadher voices team

LeadHER Voices Team

The Girl Up USA Youth Advisory Board is created to serve and shape the voice of girls in the USA. Youth Advisors have a unique perspective on gender equity, are outspoken, and are driven by their experience to be passionate changemakers who advance Girl Up USA’s work together.


  1. Anwita I.

    Saint Johns, Florida

    Anwita I. is a high school sophomore from Saint Johns, Florida. She is passionate about equal representation in the government and human rights. Anwita knows three languages and has traveled to 5 continents!

  2. Siyeon J.


    Siyeon J. is a high school senior based in Lafayette, Louisiana. She is ecstatic to use her position with LeadHER Voices to promote climate advocacy and STEM research. In her free time, Siyeon loves to dance ballet, sing musicals in the shower, and tutor students across Acadiana!

  3. Taia S.

    Mission Viejo, California

    Taia S. has been an active member of Girl Up since 2020 and lives in Orange County, California. She has a deep passion for STEAM fields, exploring everything from science to arts. In her free time, Taia enjoys traveling, creating music, and indoor skydiving!

  4. Sophia S.

    New York

    Sophia S. is a podcast host, author and journalist from Long Island, New York. Passionate about DEI, women’s empowerment, and the art of storytelling, she uses her platform to amplify underrepresented voices. She earned her degree in Public and International Affairs from Princeton University. A lover of classic musicals, her favorite films include The Sound of Music and Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella starring Brandy & Whitney Houston.

  5. Mei T.


    Mei T. is a high school junior from Atlanta, Georgia. She is passionate about making STEM more accessible, especially for girls. In her free time, she enjoys creating beauty content and exploring new cafes. She has over 1000 liked songs on Spotify!

Donner à Girl Up

Votre soutien à nos filles qui changent les choses signifie que Girl Up peut continuer à travailler pour un monde où les filles ont la même valeur, les mêmes opportunités et la chance d'atteindre leur plein potentiel. Vous pouvez faire une différence dans la vie d'une fille en faisant un don aujourd'hui.

Girl Up is a hosted alliance within the United Nations Foundation responsible for its own programming and fundraising. UNF EIN 58-2368165.

Comment s'impliquer

Dans le monde entier, notre réseau d'un million de supporters se mobilise pour l'égalité des sexes. Serez-vous à nos côtés ?

  1. une fille avec un grand sourire sur son visage portant un t-shirt Gril Up (plan rapproché)
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    Gather a team and join a network of 6,800+ clubs driving global change

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  2. Deux filles sourient, prennent des notes et partagent un ordinateur portable.
    Explorer les enjeux

    All issues are gender justice issues! Find out more about what our members are passionate about.

  3. une fille qui regarde en bas et utilise son doigt pour faire défiler le téléphone
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  4. Alum Network

    Where former Girl Up activists & members can connect, grow, & give back as they navigate adulthood

  5. Ayanna Pressley s'exprimant sur l'événement #girlhero
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  6. Carrières et stages

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