Vue d'ensemble
Girl Up India
Since 2018, Girl Up has expanded and grown to include a robust community of more than 12,000 passionate youth changemakers in 800+ clubs in India spanning 26 states and union territories in the country. Since the launch of the movement in India, our youth members have engaged in conversations and advocacy actions rooted in feminist and democratic values. This expansion has been a result of dedicated on-the-ground efforts and sustained virtual interactions over the past five years. This has resulted in youth members taking up gender equality as a goal in their schools, colleges, and communities, driving over 2,500 local-level efforts and actions to advance girls’ skills, rights, and opportunities.
Girl Up Clubs regularly undertake activities in their communities to create change at the micro and macro level. They have been involved in creating and distributing resources for girls to continue their education by providing refurbished mobile phones, stationery kits, sanitary pads while also creating systemic changes for sustainable impact. In 2019, Girl Up Sakhi organised the Menses Not Offences campaign at the Delhi High Court and successfully fundraised more than INR 2.5 Lakhs (US$ 3100) to support 350 menstruators with one year’s supply of menstrual kits.
États indiens et territoires de l'Union avec des clubs Girls Up
Membres de la communauté
Girl Up India Leadership Summit 2023
about the girl up india leadership summit
The Girl Up India Leadership Summit was a day-long event packed with inspiring conversations and workshops led by experts and champions in the gender justice space in India. More than 850 enthusiastic young individuals and gender equality advocates like Dia Mirza, Harnaaz Sandhu, Shombi Sharp and more, gathered under one roof with a shared goal – to create a gender-equal ‘Future 2030’.
This in-person event was part of our regional Leadership Summit Series, which brings Girl Up events worldwide.
View some awesome moments from the 2023 summit!
Les questions qui nous tiennent à cœur
L'équité menstruelle
Le prix Vedana a été décerné pour notre travail de sensibilisation à la menstruation et à l'équité en 2022.
Girl Up India s'est associé au consulat américain de Kolkata pour lancer un centre d'apprentissage de 10 semaines.
Violence fondée sur le genre
Organisation d'événements virtuels et de campagnes en ligne pour sensibiliser et inciter à l'action contre la violence liée au sexe.
Santé mentale
Partenariat avec YMH pour accueillir le Global Mental Health Fest et le Confab en 2020 et 2019, respectivement.
Organisation d'un camp d'entraînement hors ligne à Kolkata avec le consulat des États-Unis pour former les jeunes aux techniques de narration.
Trained over 850 youth in leadership skills at the Girl Up India Leadership Summit 2023
Empowering Futures
Girl Up India and UiPath Foundation’s Commitment to Educating and Uplifting 180 Girls

I want to become the first female inspector in my village. Girl Up’s support has given me the confidence to continue my journey towards achieving my aspirations.
Uipath foundation scholarship recipient
Pleins feux sur les clubs
During Transgender Awareness Week 2023, Girl Up अbaadh visited Mitr Trust, a sanctuary for trans people, to extend their support to the community and share stories, laughter, joy and solidarity. Their commitment transcended the visit, and following this they fundraised over INR 35,000 for the Trust. By spotlighting the challenges faced by trans people through initiatives like this, they strive to create a more inclusive society, igniting change and illuminating pathways to equality.
Participating in this campaign was amazing. It gave me the opportunity to visit a shelter home for trans people, understand the challenges they face daily and how we, as allies, can support them. This experience has really empowered me to be an advocate for change and take action.
Arishtika, Girl Up Leader
Les clubs peuvent demander jusqu'à 1 000 dollars pour soutenir leurs projets et activités Girl Up tout au long de l'année. Apprenez comment vous pouvez faire une demande ici.
Girl Up India Zine
Lire le dernier Zine
Notre équipe
Aditi Arora (elle/il)
Aditi a commencé son parcours Girl Up en 2018 en tant que responsable nationale pour l'Inde. Tout au long de son parcours, elle s'est heurtée à des haussements de sourcils lorsqu'elle tentait d'établir des connexions avec des écoles et des collèges, et on lui demandait constamment "pourquoi pas Boy Up ?". Malgré cela, Aditi a fait croître Girl Up India école par école, club par club, avec maintenant plus de 600 clubs de jeunes à travers 25 États et territoires de l'Union. Les membres de Girl Up l'ont aidée à comprendre le leadership, la signification de la communauté, et à travailler avec gentillesse et compassion.
Girl Up India dans l'actualité

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